2015 Resolutions

1. Volunteer at an organization that I care about and enjoy it. - I am very excited to attend the volunteer training at In Other Words. I can't wait to start volunteering and I think I might want to sit on their marketing committee and maybe even their board.
2. Work hard and achieve a promotion at my current job. If I don't see myself moving up there then I will consider exploring positions elsewhere. I love my current job, but I want to make sure that I continue to build my career.
3. Write more in this blog. I want to write more meaningful posts. I hope that I can write in this blog 2-4 times a month.
4. Travel abroad. Choose Thailand or Central/South American and then make it happen.
5. Send letters to my friends once a month.
6. Finish French Rosetta Stone. - I really really really am going to achieve this this year.
7. Buy a loom and weave 4 wallhangings.
8. Take time to exercise more personal care. -This isn't a quantitative resolution (which I normally prefer), but I do want this to just become a more regular habit. This means taking care of myself including diet and exercise, but also things like skin care, relaxation, trying new things with style, etc.


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