2016 New Year's Resolutions

I only accomplished 4 out of the 8 resolutions I had set for 2015. So I get an F. But I am determined to do better this year. And after reading Lily's follow up on her 2015 resolutions, I am particularly inspired. So here they are, my New Year's Resolutions for 2016:

1. Go to Southeast Asia! This one should be a given since I have already purchased my plane tickets. So barring any horrible events that would cause me not to go, I should finally be able to accomplish this. It's especially exciting since it's been on my New Year's resolution list for the last 2 years.

2. Write and publish a zine. I have a couple ideas and one that involves my roommate Natalie. No matter what the content is, I want to finish a zine this year.

3. French. Usually, I include a resolution about finishing my French Rosetta Stone, but this year I have signed up for Duolingo which will hopefully make it easier to accomplish (since I can take 30mins to work on it at work). I would like to get to 25% Duolingo achievement!

4. Lose 10 pounds. Yeah, that's on here. I would love to be 135 pounds. Just saying.

5. Floss Daily. It just needs to happen.

6. Write 50 words a week for pleasure. I'm not going to restrict what the content needs to be about, but I would like to start writing weekly outside of work. Hopefully in this blog.

7. Save $1200. It's not much, but it's more than I saved last year. This doesn't count the money that I put into my IRA every month and it doesn't count if I plan on spending it on something. It's just $100/mo going into my savings.

8. Turn my tumblr into my photoblog. I need some motivation to start using my DSLR camera more. I don't like to post lots of pictures on Facebook.

9. Send mail to friend(s) once a month. I did this last year and I loved it. I want to continue to do it.

Alright 2016, here I come.


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