Three day weekend

This past weekend was a three day weekend and I really needed it.

Sometimes I get down. We all do. This last week was a doozy. My favorite co-worker is getting laid off, David Bowie died, I'm struggling with my relationship, my substance consumption habits, and my body image. I can really start to get upset about my life, but then I have weekends like I did this last weekend and it all gets put into perspective again. Here's a breakdown:

Friday: I went to work, I went to the gym, and then I went home, showered, and went on a date. Sure, the date was bad. I thought he was unattractive, kinda boring, and just generally not into the same things as me. But still, we went to a bar near my house and I got a few drinks and at least talked to someone new for a bit. Then I went home and drunkenly watched Pretty Little Liars and Degrassi: Next Class with my roommate, Michelle before going to bed at 2am. Yes, the date could have been better. I could have fallen in-like and spent the rest of the weekend really getting to know him. BUT WHO CARES. PLL AND DEGRASSI WITH MY ROOMMATE WAS GREAT.

Saturday:  I woke up and watched a little bit of Making a Murderer with my roommate, Michelle, and her boyfriend. Maddy called me and wanted to go to brunch. She picked me up, but we just went over to Bar Bar for bloody marys and then Radar for more bloody marys (and food). I went home and relaxed for a bit, worked on an embroidery project, and then decided to go the mall. I ran into my friend Zena and her boyfriend at the mall and then we went out for dinner and drinks at Swift. El met us there and it was nice to catch each other up on all of our drama. Then I went to Red Fox to meet Katie and Liz for drinks, and Raoul and his friends came too to celebrate his birthday. A little later, Zena and Derek picked me up and we were on our way to Mauis. Tim was there which was awful, but who really cares! I had basically been drinking all day at this point and just decided to ignore his presence. The night ended with Derek, Zena, and me scarfing down Muchos Gracias and them driving me home.

Sunday: I woke up pretty hungover, but in good company: Michelle. I hung our new curtains in the living room and we watched Joy from the comfort of our own couch. Katie came over and hung out with me for a little bit and I got ready to go to my friend's (Renee) all women creative gathering. Danica picked me up and I went to a house full of women to drink wine, smoke weed, eat delicious food, and play with crafts and art supplies. Sure these women weren't really my style. There was so much cultural appropriation happening in one room (white women with dreads/wearing kimonos) and I didn't feel comfortable saying anything, but they'll figure it out soon.

Monday: Woke up and made brunch with Alice, Michelle, and Rambod! We ate delicious coconut bread and a quiche packed with veggies, and drank several mimosas. We hung out and chatted for hours. Leah came over later and we played cribbage for a couple hours. I beat her three times and she was pretty bummed by the end of it. She'll skunk me next time. Then I went to the manor for family dinner with Nicole, Taylor, Priti, Jacob, Jemina and their friends. It was a great dinner filled with friends, delicious food, and so much wine.

I packed my three day weekend full of so much activity that I wished I had Tuesday off just to sleep, but how can I complain? Sure I get down some times, but then I remind myself that I'm so very privileged. And sure there are things that I want to change about my life, but really, it's pretty peachy.


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